We put an addition on our house in 2014 to bring the master bedroom and bath to the first floor. Just trying to avoid using the stairs (though, my shop is in the basement). As we were picking things out, my wife spotted a bathroom vanity that she really liked. Only problem was that it was $2,800. She asked if I could build it for less. But, of course! “I just need a couple more tools” to do the job correctly.

The other complexity was it was January-February in Michigan. My garage shop was going to be cold. Plus, the basement was going to be out of commission while they build, since we were putting a basement under the addition, with a door from the existing basement. Everything in the furnace room had to move out.
So, I used the living room as my assembly space.
I still went out to the garage to cut and sand parts. Then brought them inside to warm up again before glue-up.

When I was done, the new bedroom was all closed up, but still unfinished. Well, Perfect! That was my finishing room for a couple days (nights). When the crew left for the night, I rolled the vanity into the bedroom and sprayed. In the morning, I rolled it back out before I left for work and the crew arrived. Three days, I had it primed and painted and ready for install.
Only a couple minor, minor issues in the build. She doesn’t see them (bless her!). I can look past them. and never point them out. She still doesn’t see the seven different mistakes I made in the kitchen cabinetry I built. Maybe she does, but loves me too much to point them out. Yeah, that’s it!

Oh, and that added basement under the addition? That became my shop. First one in 40+ years that I’ve had indoors. We also paid to have a bulkhead door from there to the outdoors, so I don’t have to haul equipment or supplies through the house (7 doors, 6 turns, 1 1⁄2 staircases).