There are nights that Kim just can’t get comfortable in bed without having to contort into a wild position that ends with one of her feet on my pillow. On those nights, I’ll let her have the entire bed. Even though we have unused bedrooms upstairs, I don’t like being that far away from her, and have never slept up there since we built the main floor master bedroom addition. I would just sleep on the couch in the family room, just outside our bedroom.

It happens enough, that we started to consider how to keep me in the bedroom. Viola! Murphy bed to the rescue. We built a queen size Murphy bed 10–12 years ago in one of the guest rooms. So looked into doing a twin in our room. Taking out a little desk/vanity that we had in there gave us just enough room for a twin. Even when open, we still have 10″ between the foot of our bed and the twin.

So, we ordered a Panel Bed DIY twin hardware kit from It comes with all the hardware and complete instructions for building a bed cabinet. We customized the front panel to look like an armoire/wardrobe when closed. Simple tongue and groove frames, rabbeted on the back, with beadboard panel inserts. A couple handles and knobs, and we’re done.

One design change I would make, and I’ll change it on this one someday: the headboard. I would mount it flush to the back edge and get rid of the slant. It looks nice, but I never sit up in bed, so the slant is wasted. If I leave the bedding on, the bed might not close completely. No one notices but me. It sticks open less than an inch. It is due to the blanket bunching up at the headboard (I cannot leave the pillow in). Minor issue, that’s why it has not been changed yet.